Saving and Resuming a Trial

This tutorial covers the process of saving and resuming a trial, allowing users to conveniently save their progress and pick up their work later or share it with others. Before proceeding with saving and resuming a trial, make sure you have completed the Loading and Tracking Data tutorial, or have already loaded and tracked data in AutoscoperM.

Saving a Trial

File Structure

When saving and resuming a trial, it’s essential to organize the tracks in a specific file structure to ensure automatic loading. This file structure is the same as explained in the Automatic filter and tracking data loading section of the Loading Custom Data tutorial.

The required file structure is as follows:

trial name
├── radiographs
|   └── ...
├── volumes
|   └── ...
├── calibration
|   └── ...
├── xParamters
|   └── control_settings.vie
├── Tracking
|   ├── {trial name}_bone1.tra
|   ├── {trial name}_bone2.tra
|   ├── ...
|   └── {trial name}_bonek.tra
└── trial name.cfg

Saving a Trial Configuration

To save a trial configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Click the File menu and select Save a Trial, or press Ctrl+Shift+S on your keyboard.

  2. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to choose a location to save the trial configuration.

  3. The trial configuration will be saved as a .cfg file.

Saving Tracks

To ensure tracks are automatically loaded when a trial is resumed, tracking data must be saved in the default configuration. Please see the Import/Export Tracking Options section of the User Interface page for information on the default configuration that Autoscoper uses to save tracking data. For each bone you would like to save tracks for, follow these steps:

  1. Select the bone in the Volumes panel (for more information, refer to the User Interface section).

  2. Click the File menu and select Save Tracking, press Ctrl+S on your keyboard, or use the Save Tracking button on the Toolbar.

  3. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to choose a location to save the tracks.

  4. The tracks will be saved as a .tra file in the Tracking subfolder of the trial you are working on.

Saving Filter Settings

To automatically load filter settings when a trial is resumed, filter settings must be saved into the xParameters subfolder and named control_settings.vie. For more information on filters, refer to the Rendering and Filters tutorial.


The current version of Autoscoper supports loading only one settings file for all cameras. If you have different filter settings for different cameras, you will need to manually load the settings for each camera after loading the trial.

Resuming a Trial

To resume a trial, simply load the trial configuration file (.cfg)(see Saving a Trial Configuration). Follow these steps:

  1. Click the File menu and select Load a Trial, press Ctrl+O on your keyboard, or press the Open Trial button on the Toolbar.

  2. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to choose the trial configuration file.

  3. Select the trial configuration file and click Open to load the trial.


If anything fails to load, ensure that the file structure is correct and that the files are named correctly. If the trial still fails to load, you may need to manually load the tracks and filter settings. For more information on loading tracks, refer to the Import/Export Tracking Options section in the User Interface page. Additionally, the Rendering and Filters tutorial provides information on loading filter settings.